Every one of sales training colleagues in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary and Toronto are asking the same question – How do I proactively sell given the impact of COVID-19?  Sales Conferences, Sales Meetings and even face to face appointments with buyers have been canceled and many Salespeople have been told to work from home where possible.  Here are 10 Emergency Sales Strategies for the Next 90 Days to re-position your efforts and make the most of the current scenario.

In just one week, life changed dramatically.  Travel was restricted.  Schools, gyms, daycares, and major tourist destinations closed.  People canceled vacations(me included) and were bombarded with messages about social distancing.  The stock market crashed and the price of oil dropped to historic lows.  We’ve also been told that it will get worse before it gets better.  It’s enough to put a scare into most Salespeople who are wondering how this will affect their sales and the positivity of most buyers about spending money.

While all of this is true, remember this – you are paid to be professionally positive and optimistic in the face of adversity.  If you didn’t have that attitude, you wouldn’t be a Professional Salesperson.   You’ve faced many challenges and struggles before and beat them, so roll up your sleeves and focus on these 10 emergency sales strategies.


Use These Emergency Sales Strategies For The Next 90 Days

  • Work from home if you can. If you have that privilege, I’m sure your employer has already told you to take your laptop and any essentials and relocate.  Set up an office or work area in your home and be disciplined.  This is not a holiday, it’s business as usual.  Of course, many of us will be distracted with our kids at home, however, trying to set some ground rules from the start with help.  Start and end work at the time as you would at the office and don’t get sucked into watching hourly Breaking News Updates on the major networks.


  • Be in contact with your clients more now than ever before by phone, email and virtual meetings via web-conferencing. We all know that face to face interaction with buyers is the best form of building strong relationships.  However, physical face to face meetings are going to be tough for a while.

For years, our company has done much of its sales training and coaching through web-conferencing.  The quality of current technology available is amazing.  You can share presentations, open files and make screen sharing available for all participants.

Not only is this a very efficient form of face to face meeting, it greatly reduces travel expenses and allows you to develop relationships with buyers across the country.  You can set up a meeting in minutes with your guest only having to click a link to connect.  Take the opportunity to understand the benefits of web conferencing and use it when the world returns to normal later this year.

Here’s a full list of all your options via PC Magazine. 

While our company has used GoToMeeting before, our preference is Zoom.  No, we’re not an affiliate – just a very happy customer that holds an average of 10 Virtual Meetings per week.


  • Take an active interest in how your clients are dealing with COVID-19 and ask them how you can help. This is a time to be there for your buyers and as always, show empathy and genuine concern for their company’s welfare.  Don’t be scared to call because you’re worried about getting a cancellation on an upcoming purchase or one already made.  Tough times require you to offer more value-add in your relationships.  Be proactive while the Salespeople from your competition hide and binge-watch their favorite Netflix series.


  • Analyze your existing buyers’ purchase history from now until the end of June. Be aware of which clients made large purchases and get creative on securing that business before your buyer gets a second thought to delay a renewal.


  • Continue to prospect because most Salespeople will stop. They will.  They’ll say that this is the worst time to make new calls because buyers are going to pull their reins in and freeze spending.  Some might do that, yet others won’t.  What right do you have to make that decision for them?  Make the calls.  Get new relationships established now when budgets are tight to be able to drive sales when the timing is right to invest.


  • Stay positive and be careful of watching too many media alerts. The media and public health officials will err on the side of being overly cautious and proactive.  That’s a good thing.  You are a professionally paid optimist, even if you may not be feeling that way right now.  Remember the saying “Fake it until you make it”?


  • Use the time to leverage the benefits of LinkedIn.  This is the perfect time to invest a few hours in developing your profile and learning how to use LinkedIn to start new relationships.  Ensure you’re connected with every one of your buyers and invest 20 minutes per day with the following drill:

Dave’s Daily LinkedIn Drill – A Very Important Emergency Sales Strategy

      • Open your LinkedIn Profile.  Check for alerts on all areas of the Navigation Bar.  Go through each of them and respond.  Not doing so is not practicing the social in social media.  Look for convergence points of interest.  Notifications are a great area designed to make this easy for you.
      • Check who has viewed your Profile.  If they are a good potential connection, invite them to connect by recognizing something that is of mutual interest to both you (ie…industry, education, an article they shared, previous employer, a group they belong to, etc.) Use a customized invitation, not the standard one.
      • Check for views on your shares or posted articles.  Check the analytics for interesting information. Respond and reach out citing individual activity or recognition.
      • Check the Home Page and look for articles of interest.  Like and comment on worthy articles referencing what you found interesting or useful about the article.  Start a conversation thread.  Get noticed for being insightful and unique.
      • Post original content or share great content available from the app – Flipboard Put in the right keywords and make sure you read and agree with the content before you share it.  Ensure you reference the author and again, add personal insight to their post.

Here’s a link to an article we wrote on The Power of LinkedIn for Professional Salespeople.


  • Talk to your Sales Manager. Smart Sales Managers are already working on company-wide sales strategies right now.  Ask for their advice, guidance, and leadership at a time when your Sales Team needs it.


  • Take advantage of the opportunity to develop your skillset by reading great books, taking an online course and getting to projects that have been long overdue. Remember all those things that you’ve been procrastinating about?  This is the time to get them done.


  • Have the confidence that this situation is only temporary. Remember what you felt like two weeks ago before things changed?  Within time, everything will return to normal and your buyers will be back on track just like they were before.

Take advantage of this opportunity to adapt to a new environment and embrace it for what it is.  Make a list of all the things you want to get done working from home and take personal satisfaction as you cross each one off.

Remember –

Success starts with what happens between your temples.


Sales Training

If the timing is right to upgrade your sales skills, consider our online course The Sales Skills Incubator for $199 CAD on sale right now for $99 CAD including tax – that’s more than 50% until March 31, 2020.  Simply use the coupon code 99dollarspecialoffer at checkout.  We’re also in the final stages of producing our latest online sales training course, Negotiating 2 Party Payoffs.  Every great Salesperson wants to learn the skills of being a great negotiator.  If you wish to be notified when the course is launched or future sales ensure that you are signed up to receive the PROSALESGUY BLOG by email.  If you prefer reading, check out our book SHUT UP!  Stop Talking and Start Making Money available on Amazon.

If you’re a Sales Manager interested in Group and Individual Sales Training in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary or Toronto please give us a call or send us an email.  We’d love to speak with you.





Dave Warawa – PROSALESGUY