A group discussion on the best sales training techniques in Vancouver recently provided the insight for this week’s PROSALESGUY BLOG. While we discussed many client focused elements like probing for needs analysis and customer engagement, the conversation eventually came down to these three prerequisites.
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As a group, we agreed that no matter how skilled and committed you are as a Professional Salesperson, you need to focus on three key personal areas to experience the sales success you desire.
Many of us spend our time in learning new sales techniques. That’s smart business. Yet, these three areas provide the foundation for a return on your investment.
Don’t Underestimate their Importance
As a Salesperson, Sales Manager and Trainer, I have seen a powerful relationship between the state of your personal life and ability of your professional career. While I’m sure that’s true in many occupations, here’s why it’s vital in Professional Sales.
Sales is a Tough Business
Mental discipline and a positive attitude are mandatory. You can’t fake results by simply showing up for work and going through the motions. You are monitored, evaluated and paid on performance. There are many challenging moments that will test your patience, persistence and fortitude. Every Salesperson I know has at times wondered if they made the right employment decision, especially at the start of their career.
My Story
In the first two years of my sales career, I was frustrated with the lack of substantial results. So much so that I had applied to be a bank teller. In the interview, I asked the experienced Bank Manager how many years it would take to make $75,000 per year. He looked over his glasses, smiled and told me he would let me know when he got there.
When I called him to find out why I didn’t get the job, he gave a great piece of advice. He said “Son, you may not know this, but you’re a Salesman inside and out. Not only did you ask me about money, you called to follow-up on why you didn’t get the job. Find a product you believe in and realize who you are.” I think he would be happy to hear of my current occupation.
Professional Salespeople who can survive the first two years, tend to see definite growth in year three and four. Let’s look at the foundation of what you need to experience sales success.
Personal Life Distractions
We will always have personal challenges in our lives. Having a fight with your significant other is one thing. Getting a divorce is another. Here are the three personal goals that will have a major impact on your future.
1. Dealing with Stress – Hobbies, Fitness and Diet
You have decided on an occupation that has more than its fair share of pressure, conflict and challenge. A major portion, if not entire, amount of your paycheck, will be based on your ability to complete sales transactions.
Stress can bring out the best in you if managed properly. Professional Salespeople can easily find themselves dealing with their emotions in many non-productive ways if continued long term.
- Hobbies
Focus your enthusiasm and energy on hobbies that provide balance and get you away from the mental challenges that will hope to find a permanent home in your brain. You need an escape from your occupation occasionally to approach your job with a new perspective.
- Fitness
I know very few successful Professional Salespeople that don’t make physical exercise part of their regular routine. It’s as easy as joining a gym and allowing the endorphins to play a part in bringing you into balance. The more stressed you are, the more challenging your fitness schedule should be. This is a smart life decision regardless of the professional gain.
- Diet
There will be times you miss lunch or choose the fast food drive-thru. Don’t make it a habit no matter how quick and easy it is. You could easily pack a decent lunch or carry healthy snacks with you. Your diet will have a major impact on your attitude and physical well being.
2. A Happy Home Life
Don’t forget why you’re working so hard. It should be about providing a decent income to provide for your and your family. Career obsession leads to many problems. Schedule alone time with your significant other as well as group family activities. Treat your family with more respect and commitment than your best client.
3. Get Your Personal Finances in Order
Having bill collectors calling you at work, maxing out your credit cards and living paycheck to paycheck does not result in sales success. I strongly suggest you develop a personal line of credit at your bank for periods of low income. On the average months, tithe no less than 10% of your total income. Increase that on great pay periods. In addition, contribute to any employer matching retirement or pension options. It’s free money, so take full advantage of it.
Here’s Why these Three Personal Goals are Important
The attitudes of all top Professional Salespeople share one common denominator.
Nothing is more important than the needs of your clients. They precede your personal needs and your employers. That is the essence of customer-focused selling. How can you effectively focus on your customers’ true needs if you’re distracted by your own?
Do your best to get your personal house in order and then become a student of Professional Sales. Should you be interested in increasing your skill set with sales training for yourself or your staff, please email me at dave@prosalesguy.ca.
PROSALESGUY TRAINING offers Group and Individual Sales Training, Sales Management Mentoring and Consultation, and Business Consulting Services in Victoria, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary and Toronto. Training can be done on site or via web conferencing.
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