Our focus for the past five years has been to increase the revenues of our corporate sales training clients in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary and Toronto.  Throughout that time, we’ve received numerous calls and emails from individual Salespeople looking for online sales training that was within their budget.  They’ve asked for a practical program, done at their convenience that would help them make more sales.  We now present to you  The Sales Skills Incubator.

Too many Salespeople practice on their customers.  Often they feel have no choice.  They might get some direction and training from Management or the veteran Salespeople in their company, yet we all know one thing…

Sales is a tough business

No matter if you sell B2B (Business to Business) or B2C (Business to Consumer), here’s what you have to contend with:

  • Decision makers who push you away
  • Buyers who always want a lower price
  • Competitors who will take that business
  • Working with dozens of potential customers at the same time
  • Searching for the right buyers who place value on your service and product
  • Multi-tasking between emails, calls, appointments and internal meetings
  • Sales targets to reach
  • Managers who expect you to reach them
  • The lack of training and resources to help you

This is the life of a Professional Salesperson.  It can be the most rewarding, character building experience of your life.  It can also eat you alive and make you wonder if you have what it takes to succeed.  Every one of us, regardless of experience level, has had those feelings.

Many times, we internalize this stress, dig deep down and passionately push to continue on.  We tell our clients how great our product is, how we’re willing to go the extra mile to deliver excellent service and work harder than the competition to earn the right to get the business.

And what happens?

Buyers run away from us.  It’s almost like their eyes glaze over when we talk to them.  They have that look of mistrust.  Why?  Because we might sound like a pushy Salesperson who is busy making claims and promises that we hope we can keep.  If you aren’t making enough sales, your Sales Manager may be trying to help by asking questions.  All of this can very overwhelming.  Consider that professionals in any field – sports, entertainment and business need training to hold that title.

The Justification of Sales Training

If your company has a budget and believes in making this investment, then you’re one of the lucky Salespeople.  Many businesses are working diligently to keep expenses under control in a challenging economy.  You could argue that this style of investment would bring in more sales and you’d be right.  However, it’s sometimes shocking to see the remaining profit margin left to the company owner after paying all necessary overhead like lease payments and salaries.

What’s The Answer?  Online Sales Training

Consider our new course, The Sales Skills Incubator.  It’s based on much of the content we’ve offered our large corporate customers.  It’s 100% practical and gives you the skill set to build strong relationships with buyers.  The basis of all sales success comes from trust.  When a decision maker feels that you have his or her best interests at heart, they open up and communicate their true needs with you.  This course has been tested in the field and comes with strong endorsements.

The Sales Skills Incubator is based on these key principles:

  • Your ability to SHUT UP AND LISTEN to your clients will get you further than talking.
  • Your sincerity and authenticity in helping decision makers will be the #1 reason why people want to do business with you.
  • Using the power of empathy in understanding your customers will build your sense of emotional intelligence and develop your sales intuition.
  • You will never talk buyers into making a sale.  They are sophisticated and educated via online research.  Any attempt to force a sale with a closing technique will fail.
  • All Professional Salespeople make a commitment to consistent learning to improve their skill set and offer their clients the best customer experience.  That brings repeat business and referrals.

Your Next Step – Check it Out for Yourself

If any of this resonates with you, we welcome you to check out The Sales Skills Incubator.  It’s a three hour online sales training program that comes with a free trial – no strings attached.   The video based course  has training segments of 5-10 minutes giving you the opportunity to fit the training in around your busy schedule.  Read the five-star endorsements from career Salespeople in the field.  If you want to be a top-producer in your industry, click the link for more information. We are offering a $100 discount for any purchase made by September 30 by using the code makemoresales2016.

Sales Skills Incubator Banner



Dave Warawa – PROSALESGUY 

Author of SHUT UP!  Stop Talking and Start Making Money available on amazon.com and amazon.ca in paperback and kindle.