Our sales training clients in Vancouver, Calgary and Edmonton are continually asking their customers for feedback on the experience of dealing with them. No doubt, every company wants to know how they can improve the customer experience. Here’s how to get a high completion rate on your surveys with the answer to the most important question – will you recommend us?
Check your Inbox
There’s a good chance you’ll find a customer survey. I actually make a commitment to complete the ones where I have either had a great experience or feel I could make some recommendations that would help. Feedback is a two-way street. Bad experiences should not be the only motivator to make your opinion known.
A recent experience with a customer service representative online was so good that I told him of my occupation and how impressed I was with his enthusiasm and skill set. When I received his company’s online survey, I took the time to fill it out with full detail. I wanted this guy to get the acknowledgment he deserved. Information like that is often the reason behind pay increases and promotions.
Survey Monkey
There are many services that offer online customer surveys. One of the leading ones is Survey Monkey. Their suggestions and format are very good and they understand the most important factor in getting a high completion rate – make it quick and easy. Here’s a link to one of their templates that asks 5 quick questions. 4 are multiple choice and one is comment based.
Survey Monkey Customer Service Feedback Survey Template
This is a great guideline for anyone looking to compile a list of survey questions for their company.
Partial completion
We have all had this experience. We start a survey and after about a minute into it, we get frustrated and decide to abandon it. Perhaps it’s too long, too technical or asks a question that we aren’t comfortable answering. While you may not be aware, when you do this, the information you completed is still stored as a response in progress.
Understanding Partial Responses
That’s not the desired experience
The reason any company puts out a survey is to get customer feedback. Abandoning a survey is a form of that. It’s like saying “have more respect for my time.” Instead of providing useful information about the customer experience in buying a product or service, it sends the opposite message. Knowing that most of us are doing the survey because of either a really good or bad customer service experience, the message is lost.
The 20 Second Customer Service Survey
I filled a survey out recently and was extremely impressed. Here’s what it contained:
Subject line in the email
Tell Us How We Did in 20 Seconds or Less
Whether we blew your mind or have a little work to do, we want to hear it first from you. CLICK HERE. This will only take 20 seconds.
How likely are you to recommend us to a friend? (Selection from 10 being high to 0)
Why did you choose that rating? (Comments area)
Why this customer survey worked so well
1. The subject line in the email caught my attention and hooked me to continue. I thought to myself “Really, just 20 seconds? This would be a first!”
2. The content was clear and direct. It was like the company was saying “If we’re claiming this survey will only take 20 seconds, then let’s get to the point, shall we?”
3. It asked the universal question every supplier wants to know – “What’s the chance of you recommending us?” The nature of the question allowed for opinion either way, whether I was happy or displeased. Instead of taking up my time with secondary questions, this survey struck at the heart of the real issue – referrals.
4. There was only one other question. “Tell us more please.”
5. They actually told the truth. It did take only 20 seconds. “Wow, now that was painless. I guess it’s just like ordering your product online – quick, easy and genuine. Thanks!”
Customer Focused
That’s the real message this company delivered to me, the customer. It’s not about us and what we want to get from you. It’s about you and what you’re willing to give us. Now, there’s a lesson for every Salesperson, Sales Manager and Business Owner. Remember that every time you interact with a buyer.
What do you think? Do you have anything to add to the topic of online customer surveys? I’m always interested in your comments. If you liked this post, share it on LinkedIn, Twitter or Google+.
Many Salespeople have reached out to us for individual sales training online. The Sales Skills Incubator will launch this summer. If you’d like to know more about it, please send us a quick email at dave@prosalesguy.ca.
Author of SHUT UP! Stop Talking and Start Making Money available on Amazon
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